Saturday, June 17, 2006

An Alternative Software For 2003 Microsoft Office

Words, can be powerful, and essential for your works especially online, when you need to express all you thoughts with computing software. Well, as you might have known, software are not perfect; they have bugs which means their programming codes might have problems, and it happen all the times.

I've tried a variety of word processors. Word perfect, Microsoft Word, 2003 Microsoft Office, and several others have all been on my computer at times. In addition, of course, I've used Notepad, WordPad, and all of the other "junks" usefully included with Windows. But above all, I think I like Open Office.

The best thing about Open Office is that it's free. I can't overstate that, let me repeat. All free unlike 2003 Microsoft Office. And this isn't just any old junk thrown together by computer students in their spare time. It's made by Sun Microsystems, one of the leading companies in the computer industry.

It has all of the features of any other word processor; spell check, grammar check, auto correct, dictionary, macros, fonts, an extensive help system etc. As a matter of fact, I'm using it right now. But unlike other word processors, Open office is updated.

So, if you get, say, 2003 Microsoft office with your computer, that may be fine for a couple of years, but soon you'll have to buy a new word processor to keep up with all of the developments just to be able to read documents made on other word processors for example, for Adobe extensions(PDF). But with Open Office, you can just log onto the website and download a free update. Now that is cool.

One of the complaints about free software is that it's not always compatible with the other systems more popular at the time. But I have been using Open Office for a long time, and have never found this to be the case. I can save files in 2003 Microsoft Office format, Office 6.0, a bunch of different Word Perfect formats, just plain or encoded text, even HTML. And besides that, it is available for a variety of different platforms.

Really, the word processor you use isn't that important. Many different ones will work, including 2003 Microsoft Office, as long as they have certain features. A dictionary spell check function is absolutely essential. It saves so much time and has become the accepted industry standard.

If you don't have a quality Spell-Check, and routinely make mistakes, people will just laugh in your face when they see your files. A grammar check, while no substitute for a good proof reading is also indispensable, as it's so easy to read over your own mistakes without even noticing it. It can give you the edge you need to make more professional, sharper presentations.

Hope the above recommendation will give you more choices when talking about word processor. More informative articles on Writer's Resources Website.

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