Are you in desperate search of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? It sounds like the Holy Grail, doesn't it? Well, no worries! You can achieve this knowledge from your very own living room. Are you currently logged onto the web? Hey, pop open your Google Search Engine and punch in the key phrase "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." You will be well on your way to success and happiness in no time.
How is life treating you? Are you happy so far? Maybe there are a few things you would like to change. Hey, this is nothing out of the ordinary. We are all often searching for more in our everyday lifestyles. There is just so much out there. Whether you are in need of a higher income, a better love life, or more confidence, you can achieve it with the right attitude.
People just like you do it every day. Do you want to know the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Of course you do. Who wouldn't want to be let in on the secret of success? We all hope to be ahead of the game at some point in our lives. It is only natural. So get up off the couch and get started.
Unbelievably, but you can acquire the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in no time. It is all about knowing where to start. I can remember a little while back when I finished school, and had no clue where to go. Yikes, what was I going to do now? The real world was right in front of me waiting. I knew that I wanted to write films for a living, but that is not exactly a "go in and apply" sort of job, if you know what I mean.
After several months of honing my scribe skills, I decided to search for freelance writing work. A friend of mine from school did this for a living and I was very curious. She told me it is all about the Internet these days. Now, I don't know if she possesses the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, but she certainly helped me.
Before I knew it, I had landed my first gig. It paid decent and lasted about a week. So far so good. Within the next month, I had three more freelance jobs that kept me rather busy. Things were going well, and I still had time for my screenwriting passion. Oh and, not to mention I typically work from home. That is typically ideal for me.
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