Many people swear to the healing properties of bee pollen, but I am skeptical to say the least. Raw bee pollen, the advocates claim, is a super food containing all of the bodies most essential vitamins and minerals in an easy to digest, and efficient form.
They claim that just eating the bee pollen is enough to boost your bodies health, and combat free radicals. But that's not all they claim. They say that the bee pollen boosts the immune system by increasing red and white blood cells, and also contains an antibacterial factor of some sort which allows the body to more efficiently fight diseases.
They say it is good for the intestines, moderating and controlling the organisms dwelling there and helping to aid digestion and the assimilation of nutrition My sister is one of these numerous bee pollen devotees. She has suffered for years from a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome.
It took her several doctors before she even found one who recognized the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome, and, no matter how many nutritional supplements which she took, she only began to get better very slowly.
Finally, she went to another practitioner, one who specialized in chronic fatigue. He diagnosed her with candidiasis, otherwise known as yeast overgrowth in the gut, and put her on an anti-fungal agent, as well as numerous supplements.
One of her friends, some flaky new-ager who makes her money off of gazing at crystals to tell the fortunes of gullible housewives and desperate dreamers, told her that this wasn't enough, and that she wouldn't get better without the aid of bee pollen. So my sister took the bee pollen.
Sure enough, six weeks later, she was feeling much better. But rather than attribute the drastic improvement to her health to the supplements prescribed to her by her doctor, a competent health care professional, she actually believed that it was all because of the bee pollen!
She added, to the long list of supposed benefits of bee pollen, the ability to reduce the presence of fungus in the body. She managed to completely ignore anything else which was happening in her body at the same time, and somehow to attribute everything to this one isolated factor, much to everyone's dismay.
She now goes on the talk show circuit, telling star struck audiences that bee pollen saved her life. Some people will believe anything!
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