There are a number of ways to submit your article and use that article as free advertising on the net. Of course, I speak of articles you also write for free, so do not read on if you are looking for paying article databases. Also, keep in mind that most of the article indexes offering an exchange for publishers and writers have guidelines that don't always hold up: or the rules seem to not apply to everyone.
For example, a couple of sites many of us submit to require stringent attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but when you read some of the existing pieces at the site, you find they appear to have been written by a third-grader underwater with his eyes closed. Okay, bad metaphor, but the point is, before you submit your article, check the existing ones to feel secure you are in the league you want to "advertise" in or from, that you want your reputation as a writer shared with.
So, how, in general, to submit your article...
* Follow the submission guidelines--exactly. If the publisher says no hidden html, do not try to sneak in any ghost links. If the title has a character limit, don't go over it, even if the site does not have an automatic rejection system that asks you to re-do. (In this case, all that will happen is your final title will be truncated.)
* Make sure when you submit your article, the article is yours...that you authored it. As of the writing of this piece, there are hundreds of tools and software and whatnot to investigate your claim that the article has not been "scraped" from elsewhere. (In the same respect, others who visit the article site will have to keep your article in tact and include all of your source box info, so they will not be allowed to lift, scrape, or do other skimming scummy things to or with your work.)
* Format is probably the most important detail to attend to before you submit your article. Some sites need for you to submit in plain text format. Others suggest a formatting tool (which can be had online for free)--though this tool will actually screw up your text if you use it to submit to sites that have their own automated formatting. Again, follow the instructions.
With the many generous and web-savvy web masters and mistresses offering this fantastic opportunity for you to get exposure, and further for you to begin branding yourself and your skills as a writer, it is worth the time it takes to check out, understand, and follow the steps and submit your article. Good luck!
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