By K. Tan -
You can buy Christmas decor and ornaments year round in Frankenmuth, Michigan. There is a place there that is open 361 days a year, named Bronner's Christmas Wonderland and it is a magical place. They sell artificial Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Nativity scenes, Christmas ornaments, Decorations and collectibles. All kinds of holiday ornaments in this season awaiting for you.
Not only does it feel like Christmas every day at Bronner's, but also you can attend the Silent Night Memorial Chapel for meditation. I have seen so many wonderful Christmas ornaments for sale at Bronner's. It seems like they have something for everyone. I know that I have found more ornaments of Christmas there than anywhere.
I have a few Christmas ornaments that fall into the category of super fragile or incredibly old. I still want to display them, but not on my tree where they could be damaged. I have purchased ornament stands at Bronner's for these Christmas ornaments. I can display them very nicely in the lighted curio cabinet in my den.
My sister buys dated Christmas ornaments every year. She likes to pick out one special dated ornament for every year and place it on the tree. She says it helps her remember all of her blessings. I think that her collection of Christmas ornaments is lovely.
I changed my decorating habits when I started having kids. I used to have very delicate and sedate themes for my tree and mantle, now I decorate with Christmas ornaments that convey a feeling of fun and whimsy. My daughter was with me when I visited Bronner's when she was four years old. She immediately became enthralled with the pink smiley face ornaments. I was a little taken aback at just how pink these Christmas ornaments were.
I ended up buying those smiley face Christmas Ornaments for her. My son thought that it made our tree too girly and he asked me to take him out to Bronner's to even the tree out a little bit. He found some odd Christmas ornaments and I told him that he could pick out twelve individual ornaments or one box of twelve ornaments that were all the same.
The Christmas ornaments that my son picked out that year were all individually chosen. He picked out a slice of pizza because it is his favorite food, a taco, a snowman, a multi color round ball covered in sequins and many other colorful and interesting items. The tree was so sweet that year, because my kids had so much fun deciding how everything would be for their specific Christmas decoration.
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