Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Benefits of Bird-Dogging as a New Real Estate Investor

Tip! People should not obsess over avian bird flu at the expense of other medical issues. The epidemic or other public health crisis could come from any number of sources.

There are a lot of benefits to birddog, forget the funny title, it is the best place to begin your new real estate investment career! No, the pay is initially not good, but one has to decide are they in business for the long haul or looking to "get rich quick?" For the long haul, education is invaluable in our business. Education is precisely what bird-dogging is all about.

Tip! Fill the bottom of your carton with bird seed.

A birddog by definition finds motivated sellers for seasoned investors. In return they make $500-$1000 dollars per deal once the investor closes on the house. A bird-dog simply points to the house. Bird-dogging has no risk, and needs no money to place the house under contract.

Many new investors ask me how I get my ugly houses 48-70 cents on the dollar. So after discussing this with new investors I finally wrote an ezine or e-book that discuses in precise detail how to talk with sellers.

The goal is to find numerous investors who one can bird-dog for, by calling the "We Buy Houses" signs and ads ect. Then ask them where they like to buy and rehab houses so you can go to there goldmine areas and find gold. You are looking for vacant houses with unkempt yards, boarded up windows, usually much older houses, the worse the house the better, asking neighbors "who owns the property and do they have the phone number?"

Tip! We mustn't let our birds have contacts with wild or free � living birds, who are the main carriers of diseases and infections.

When I was bird-dogging I would show the investor the house, we would agree on the finder's fee, then immediately I would begin to look for the next motivated seller/house. But what typically happens is the investor would turn my deal down time and time again. Turns out what I thought were wholesale deals were not deals at all!

How To Care For Your Pet Bird. Learn How To Care For Your Pet Bird by Dr. Joel Murphy.

They were mentoring me, and I in turn made them money, while establishing trust, forming business relationships, and finding out which investors could close and who were newbie's. I learned the areas, the houses, the market, the players, timing and many other things that would have taken me months doing it on my own.

When I started out as an investor, I like most had stars in my eyes and a hunger in my stomach for success. In time I began to realize that building a business takes time, knowledge, perseverance, some money (a job helps here), and dogged determination. So by starting as a bird-dog I got a good quick education. I only had to birddog a few times, then began wholesaling. The benefits I received as a birddog proved invaluable. All of the "no's" I got taught me what a "yes" or a real deal was! Hope this helps some and may you have a profitable, and fun investing career.

Tip! Relevant drugs and vaccines for the avian bird flu disease should be bought and sold at fair prices. This is in respect to the intellectual property rights of the people.

Bill Guerra (Bill in Vegas) at has wholesaled, rehabed, flipped, and birdogged 110 houses in 26 months. Begining with no money, and lots of "elbow grease." He studied a number of real estate investing courses and found a few that were the cream of the crop which contained no "hype" but real meathods from real people, who started with no money down.

Bill was a nurse who got tired of the rat race and wanted to succeed and become his own boss. He did, and after several houses his dreams became a reality.

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