Sunday, March 11, 2007

Use of Address Stamp to Save Your time


Tips! When we take a minute to reflect on some of the images we see on these stamps, it is easy to see that even these small little sticky pieces of paper mean more than the cents they are worth. In other words, there can be some value of memory or meaning behind an address stamp for some consumers.

One of the most time-saving items you can ever add to your mailing ensemble is a personalized address stamp. This one item has saved me a lot of time and energy especially during the holidays. In the time it takes me to address one envelop, I can use an address stamp to complete ten of them.

Consider how many times you write your address for various mailings you send each month. During the holiday season this number increase by more than fifty percent in just two weeks. Each Christmas card or Easter wish takes time and effort.

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Choosing the right cards that convey the right message can pose a challenge in itself. Signing the notes takes quite a bit of time as well. Adding addresses to the mix can make the whole thing overwhelming. Having an address stamp on hand can save you from tedious work like this.

Thank-you notes are in vogue for nearly every occasion. I sent literally hundreds of thank-you notes to my wedding guests as well as my attendants. I used an address stamp with a personal design that made the envelopes immediately recognizable and it also made them a breeze to complete. I got the notes out in record time by using the address stamp to help me through the tedious ordeal.

Tips! The installation of mailbox address plaques is quite simple. Most of these plaques install using a few screws that install directly to the mailbox or the post.

Other instances that are not quite so apparent can also be benefited if you tote a self-inking address stamp along with you. I like to use mine when attending events like the Home Show. This event involves visiting a number of vendors who have products and services that may interest you.

Part of the problem with these events is people tend to pile up in long lines waiting to fill out their information on the various companies' entry forms. These need to be filled out in order to receive information. You also can receive a number of prizes if you complete the forms.

Having an address stamp to complete the information for you will cut your time at the booth into fractions. Unfortunately, not everyone has an address stamp to move them along so you will probably still find yourself waiting. However, your hands won"€™t be throbbing by the end of the day.

You probably can think of a number of other situations that require you to fill out your contact information. You can deliver your information with the flip of your wrist by using a personalized address stamp.

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Communication Skills: How Effective Are Yours?

Tip! Sidestep absolutes - right/wrong, bad/good. Statements like 'you always' or 'you never' are absolutes that hinder communication.

Your communication skills are one of the most important attributes that are on trial every time you apply for a job.

Whether it's written or verbal communication, you need to get your point across clearly, concisely and in a manner that is appropriate for the audience.

Let me highlight the biggest mistakes I've seen job searchers make with regards to their ability to communicate.

Written Communication Skills

A big turnoff is having to read written work - emails, cover letters, resumes for example - that are poorly written, generic and full of various errors. When I see that a person has subpar written communication skills, I immediately become worried about my chances of helping them with their job search because it is a skill that is very noticeable to hiring managers very quickly.

Tip! Interpersonal communication to know one another, to become friends, to discuss problems, to exchange thoughts (ideas), to make plans, to get and give help, to mutually help each other change attitudes and behavior.

It should go without saying that a resume and cover letter should have no spelling or grammatical errors whatsoever but what about email?

With emails dominating much of the written work that people do these days, it is important to understand how to effectively write emails. When it comes to emails that you send related to your job search, ensure you get your message across as briefly as possible while still maintaining a professional tone.

Tip! Increased staff retention and workplace communication.

Before you send an email always ensure there are no typos, run-on sentences and other grammatical errors that make your correspondence look unprofessional. Always use a subject line that indicates the specific purpose of the email. If you are applying for a job and have already included a cover letter and resume, you don't need to rewrite your cover letter again in the body of the email. Simply state the reason for the email and refer to the attached cover letter and resume.

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Always treat your business emails as professional business correspondence that is just as important as your cover letter and resume.

Verbal Communication Skills

The most effective verbal communicators are those who can get their point across professionally, succinctly, and clearly. When I say "clearly" I am referring both to speaking clearly and getting your message across clearly.

When speaking verbally, some people speak quickly when nervous so try to pay attention to ensure you speak slowly to avoid being unintelligible. Also ensure you don't ramble on. Answer questions as briefly and succinctly as possible. Practice does make perfect.

Tip! Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style.

Also, always ensure you actually get your message across clearly. The best way to ensure this happens is to plan ahead. Don't try to "wing it" when doing interviews, presentations or other forms of public speaking. Careful preparation will help you ensure you know what you're talking about and will make you more likely to be able to speak comfortably without trying to memorize everything.

How Can You Improve Your Communication Skills?

Look for opportunities to communicate verbally and in written form that will help you improve your business communication skills.

Some people can improve their communication skills with practice. Certainly, I've found that I've gotten better at public speaking as I've gotten older and I quite like doing it now.

Tip! Use simple language: Stay away from big words and unnecessary jargon. Big words can complicate the message or intimidate your listener causing communication to break down.

In cases where practice isn't making perfect, consider looking for help. Toastmasters organizations can help you improve your public speaking and professional writing courses can really help to improve your ability to write effectively.

Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter. Carl has helped many job searchers find their dream career and would like to help clear up some of the job search myths that exist while helping job searchers avoid common job search mistakes that cost them jobs.

Tip! See if you can find a measure to show how successful your communication is in your business.

Visit Carl's website to find your dream career:

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