What kind of Credit Card rates are you finding now days? I have to say that I usually get a few pitches in the mail on a daily basis. If it's not Visa, it's MasterCard, and if it's not American Express, it's Discover card. I'm sure you can relate on that. When it comes to Credit Card companies, one thing they are very adamant about is pitching.
Sometimes I just want to send them a memo regarding all the paper they're wasting. Because come on, how many of these are you tearing up, or sticking through the shredder? It's not as if we can literally get every Credit Card they encourage us to apply for.
Even when your Credit limit is almost used up, they are still sending brochures to encourage you for a special loans with low interest rate, why can't they track that we have nothing much to go for? I think it is because of their company structure which one department do the promotion while another do the Credit check, isn't it?
Finally, of course there is the whole deal with the Credit Card rates. Most initial rates are 0 percent on all balance transfer. However, when it comes to purchases, it's typically nothing as generous. Believe me; these companies know how much we like to spend, and they're out to make loads of cash off of us. It's the same with the 0 percent Credit Card rates on balance transfer.
They're basically hinting for you to transfer any large amount that you're currently paying too much interest on. However, do we fall for this routine spiel? Of course we do. We want that 0 APR as long as we can have it. Even if it's only for the first year. After that, it may be time to check out new Credit Card rates and transfer that nasty balance again.
If you are on the lookout for a Credit Card, but aren't sure about current Credit Card rates, then it's the time you hopped online. The Internet can and will provide you with who has the best offers at this point of time. Find those ideal Credit Card rates in a flash when you use the World-Wide-Web. Just don't go too crazy with the charging.
Do you have a Credit Card? How many are stacked in your wallet or purse? Are you toting around a few Platinums and that American Express card with no limit? Yikes, this can get a little dangerous if you're not careful.
As most of us know, the old Credit Card rates can change on a dime, and then you're suddenly losing hundreds a month in nasty interest, especially when the time you are not paying off all the bills at once! You better watch out, as they will rise.
That's always a major bummer. Who ever invented the Credit Card, anyway? You'd think they would have come up with one that had a fixed 0 percent APR on all purchases. Don't those Credit Card companies realize that's what we're all looking for?
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