Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship?

Whether you have been friends with your partner for years, or have recently met through an internet dating service, the fact is that, at some point, the honeymoon will pass and some of the fire will leave. It may not be until after marriage, but once the fire leaves the love, you will be both tested to see whether you can keep holding on to a healthy relationship. This is no easy task. Having taught at a wide variety of healthy relationship seminars, I can tell you that the techniques are numerous, and that the results vary greatly from couple to couple.

I have seen some couples who can build a healthy relationship simply through using some simple tips to good communication. Other people will go through years of couple therapy only to find out that their relationship is doomed. If they are healthy people, they will be able to let it go at this point. Love and respect for others starts with self-love and self-respect. There is no virtue in holding on to love long after it is gone.

Really, the best advice I can give you if you are working on maintaining a healthy relationship is to always remain gentle, and as honest as possible. This might seem obvious to the point of absurdity, but it is more difficult than you might think. There is never a time when shouting is more useful than speaking calmly.

There is never a point where it is better to say deeply hurtful things than to put things in a matter, which is more friendly and supportive. Really, the most important thing to remember is that healthy relationships are all about applying common sense to a part of life that it is hard to apply to love and romance.

Building a healthy relationship is one of the most difficult and rewarding tasks in this life. If you have ever been in an unhealthy relationship, you know the cycle of fear, anger, self-doubt, and anguish that it can cause. Many people have had so many bad relationships that they do not even know what a healthy relationship is.

In desperation, they will turn to all kinds of trendy methods, from weekend getaways to unlicensed amateur online marriage counselors to try to fix their romantic problems. Nevertheless, if there is any secret to a healthy relationship, it has to come from inside, and not from one, but from both partners.

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