Being able to locate people in any city, town or village has never been easier (fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your philosophy), thanks to the advantages of Mobile Phones, the Internet, and other types of modern technology. You can now make people searches at your fingertips.
One of the features of Search Engines today is to be able to type in a name and locate people. Due to the proliferation of most companies and organizations online, it is possible to locate people who are offered on any web-based sites, and to be able to track what they have been doing over the last ten to fifteen years.
I found this out purely by accident, when a marketing friend of mine found my old Sec School website and posted my sport scores for the entire office. When I plugged into the Search Engine to find myself, I was shocked and mildly embarrassed as to what results I found. If you want to try and find a person's contact details, such as their home address, it may be easier to locate people using the traditional phone directory, but if you are purely searching for an e-mail, plugging their names into a Search Engine may bring up some quick results.
As the tenth anniversary of my friend's high school reunion loomed, a host of e-mails from people writing from his so called "Dark teenage past" bombarded him. They contacted him directly through his work e-mail, which was accessible online. However, nowadays there are a number of websites for graduates that allow anyone wishing to locate people from their high school days to reconnect. Often, for a fee, it is easy to locate people if they have posted their names and e-mails on the classmate notice board.
Another easy way to locate people is through the fast-moving technology of Mobile Phones. Finding out where someone is at any given time of day is extremely easy, and can often be unsettling. The simplicity of merely dialing a number and connected to a roving person has been honed to a Science in today's world. Many phones can now be easily used across international borders, and Satellites are getting better and clearer to help locate people in every corner of the globe.
Another friends told me that while living in Africa, she was pleasantly stunned to receive a call when she was in the "bush"; literally surrounded by nothing but acres of dry dust, Chaparral, Cacti, and a few wooden huts. The phone suddenly rang, and, feeling as if she was in a mobile technology commercial, answered it.
All around her in the African village, hump-backed Cattle were mooing and chickens were squawking, and she could hear the sounds of a baseball game going on somewhere in California on the other end of the line.
It struck me that, if you wanted to find anyone mostly anywhere, using a Mobile Phone is one of the quickest ways to locate people half way around the world. It also occurred to me that there were fewer and fewer places to hide if you simply wanted to disappear. These days, being mysterious is virtually impossible. If you would like to remain far away from the folds of society, you would be hard-pressed to find a place of such remoteness and anonymity where people cannot find you.
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